Stadtwerkstatt **48-Hours-Redistribution/Don’t touch** Art-Silage First Floor servus Clubraum / Continuous \\ **Corn silage: Stadtwerkstatt shows silage material on the first floor.** \\ {{:1024px-sonsbeck_-_mais_08_ies.jpg?400nolink|}} Corn and corn plants in the house of the Stadtwerkstatt: In spring, some corn was planted at the STWST. This was followed by test plantings and field observations with corn, one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. The corn plant is found here crushed in the form of a large pile of corn silage. We take up a quantity aspect: It's always a question of quantity, small or large, a more or less distribution. Here, in the middle of the cattle feed, it was repeatedly restacked, evenly distributed and piled up again in advance to STWST48x6 MORE LESS. Of greater interest: Natural metabolism and industrial use meet here with a abstract statement of a fermenting art silage in entropy mode. Material staging with critical agency. \\ A text to this theme is published in [[|Versorgerin #127]] (only german). \\ //**48-Hours-Redistribution/Don’t touch**// is a project by Stadtwerkstatt. \\ Projekt-Konnexes zu: [[Nature Monotonia]] – STWST [[Mais Matze_Speaking From the Grid Together]] – Julian Stadon & Sebastian Pappalardo [[Hyper Informed Dough]] – STWST [[Glashausfantasie 6 - Shirley Tempel]] – freundinnenderkunst **Dokumentation STWST48x6 MORE LESS** {{:nature_monotonia_48_hours_redistribution_1.29.mp4|}} {{::48hours_redistribution1_c_sandra_brandmayr.jpg?nolink&600|}}{{::48_hours_redistribution_silage_vid_felix_vierlinger.jpg?nolink&600|}}{{::48_hours_redistribution7_stwst_c_jakob_breitwieser.jpg?nolink&600|}}